Category Archives: Origami Owl Jewelry Bar

Credit Card Swipers


When you begin your Origami Owl® business, it is important that you have a credit card swiper picked out to use at your Jewelry Bars®. You may be asking yourself but why do I need a swiper? I personally like to use a credit card swiper because I don’t like to write down customer’s card information on the receipts. And to be honest – customers don’t like it either! Also, some Designers are hesitant with accepting personal checks. If you have accepted a check at a cash and carry event, now you are out that product if the check bounces. If you are one that is hesitant to accept checks (like me!) you also might find yourself missing out on sales without a credit card swiper. Let’s face it – Not many of us carry cash anymore! Debit and credits cards are the number one use of payment! By having a credit card swiper, it will make the transaction easy and carefree as well. 

The Square

This is one of the most popular credit card swipers available. So many companies use these – from hair salons to car washes. 

  • Free swiper
  • Well known
  • Simple look physically and on mobile application
  • Available in stores such as Target, Home Depot and Apple (for $10 or so)
  • Create itemized lists (Put in prices or even each item in our TOM)
  • Text/email receipt to customer
  • Not connected to a bank account so if it gets lost there is no security issue
  • Holds your funds for a few days depending on your bank
  • 2.75% per swipe, 3.5% plus $0.15 per keyed in transaction

PayPal Here

This is my preferred method of credit card swipers. I am able to pay instantly for my customers’ items and you’ll see why…

  • Free swiper with account
  • Funds are available immediately if the account is linked to a PayPal Debit Card (use that to purchase your O2 goodies)
  • Accepts checks
  • Can create invoices
  • Text/email receipt to customer
  • History of invoices, payments received/sent, etc.
  • 2.7% per swipe, 3.5% plus $0.15 per keyed in transaction
  • Customers may be wrongly informed and therefore be concerned with the security of their information (this occurred when PayPal partnered with eBay a few years ago)
  • In case of a dispute, PayPal will almost always side with the customer. It is vital to keep your copy of the order form and the payment information from PayPal!

Origami Owl® has partnered with PayAnywhere as their preferred credit card swiper.

  • Free swiper
  • Partnered with Origami Owl®
  • Available to Blackberry and iPhones
  • 24/7 online support
  • Keeps track of inventory
  • Tracks tax automatically by GPS
  • 2.69% per swipe, 3.49% plus $0.19 per keyed in transaction
  • Holds your funds for a few days depending on your bank (I have heard from a few Designers that it has taken a week!)
  • Not available for all of the Android operating systems at this time

I hope that you will be able to select the best credit card reader for you! And if you want – get them all! Thank you to all my Designer friends who helped me collaborate on this list!

Wear it Wednesday

Introducing Robin Crossman

Our beautiful jewelry doesn’t need to be worn just by itself. Look at how our very own CEO wears her LOCKET!

Wrap a pair of your favorite pearl strand around your favorite CHAIN for a beautiful and unique look!

August Hostess Exclusive

It’s here!

It’s August and you know what that means… A new Hostess Exclusive! Check out this beautiful combo below!

I love the Hostess Exclusive for this month. Both the chocolate and rose gold LOCKETS will get you ready for your fall fashion! And how beautiful are the exclusive CHARMS!? Are you looking forward to earning this for a discount price or even better, FOR FREE!?

Keep Track of Your Inventory

Get Organized!

There is no doubt that as your Origami Owl® business grows, so will your inventory. At times it can be difficult to figure out what you have, what you ordered, what you would like to order, what you took from your personal inventory and so on and so forth.

Recently I had been using a Take Out Menu to mark off my inventory but I quickly realized how messy this can easily get! I had “X” marks meaning that I had it, then scribbled out because I sold it, then an “O” because I had ordered it… What a nightmare right!?

So needless to say I have been looking for other ways I could keep track of my Origami Owl® inventory. I had thought about Excel but that idea quickly went out the window (I am not a fan!). Then I had thought to get a couple TOMs laminated. When I took them to Staples however she told me they could burn or bubble so that was a bummer! (I still may end up doing this in September when the new TOMs come out so I can hand out laminated ones at JBs instead of trashing a bunch!) Plus I did not want to spend money laminating a bunch of copies when the new TOM comes out in just a few short months!

After brainstorming, I had finally come up with the perfect idea! I like it much more than scribbling in the TOM or even using a laminated copy. So what do I do…?

I took photocopies of our TOM and placed them inside sheet protectors (hence the reflection on the pictures – sorry!) and then into a 3 ring binder. I then took two wet erase markers to mark off my inventory. I use black which means that I have it in stock and then green which means I have ordered it. I use an “X” to signify that I have one in stock and then number from there on out. (Note: I do not include any of my personal items in my inventory because I do not sell from that). 

That’s all for now! Hope my entry helps you get your Origami Owl® inventory organized!

How to Clean Origami Owl® CHAINS

Get squeaky clean!!

I am picking out all my LOCKETS for Origami Owl®’s First Annual Convention! HOOT HOOT! While picking out my LOCKET for each day I realized that my CHAINS needed some major TLC…

I know… It’s DISGUSTING! I do have to say that I do not always follow Origami Owl®‘s instructions… They recommend you do not put on any products while wearing your LOCKET such as hairspray or perfume… Guilty as charged. BAD OWL!

This is my go to product for any sort of jewelry cleaning or polishing! I picked it up from Albertsons and I think it cost $8 (Don’t quote me on the price). You just need a little! (PS: It works really well to get out smudges on PLATES as well!) I just put some of this on a toothbrush and scrubbed… and scrubbed… and scrubbed my CHAIN!

Can you believe it? This baby looks brand new! Took only about a full minute of polishing to get it back to beautiful!

Find It Friday

Wooden Blocks!

How adorable are these wooden blocks? They are perfect for your Origami Owl Jewelry Bar® displays or even your at home office! They add a pop of color and are complimentary of the boxes that our LOCKETS come in!

This “Blessings Block” is versatile and you can spell a variety of words. How fun is it that you can spell “LOCKETS” too!? It is on sale through June at $25.00 (regularly $44)(plus tax and shipping). 

Please contact Shauna with any other further questions or you can go directly to her website to order.

How to Overcome Hostess’ Objections

Objections from a Potential Hostess

As Independent Designers with Origami Owl® we are bound to run into a “no” more than once. But how can you overcome these objections and continue to book Jewelry Bars®

It is important to remember that people will say no and that is okay. It is not a personal thing. It does not mean you are not doing your job correctly. Everyone faces no’s. Remember that more times than not, a no means a “not right now”. After all, we are all super busy and often have to say no to things we may love and really want to do! Do NOT be discouraged! 

Below are some of the top reasons why people do not want to host a Jewelry Bar® and how to hopefully overcome their “no”!

“Money is tight!”

In reality, hosting a Jewelry Bar® truly will help save your hostess money. How awesome is it that she can host a little party with her friends and earn free and discounted jewelry that she can give away as gifts? No need to go shopping for Christmas or birthdays – it is already done! 

Your hostess should not be concerned with the expenses related to “wining and dining” her guests. There is no need to provide an assortment of food and beverages… Less is really best! You can provide your hostess with quick, easy and cheap recipes or even better, offer to bring them yourself! Bring a beverage and an appetizer for your hostess that way she does not have to worry about that cost.

“I don’t have enough friends.”

Let your hostess know she is more than welcome to co-host her Jewelry Bar®. What a great way to share the product with even more people and get more rewards!

Or… Invite her to a party you are already hosting! Have her bring a girlfriend or two and they will both meet even more people there!

“It’s too much work!”

Offer to host the Jewelry Bar® at your house. This benefits you and the hostess. Not only does she not need to worry about the work involved, but there is no need for you, the Designer, to drive anywhere or pack up your inventory. Win win!

If she still wants to do it at her house, just tell her to clean the main room the guests will be in and one bathroom. No need to “spring clean” your entire house.

Grab coffee or go to a restaurant! How easy is that!? She invites all of her girlfriends to meet her for a coffee or for lunch (people gotta drink and eat right?) and you do the event there!

“It’s not worth it.”

Getting free and discounted jewelry is TOTALLY worth it! Your hostess will earn so many items for doing almost nothing. Make sure you tell her that you will be the one sending out invites, answering questions, etc. All she needs to do is provide you with some friends, a date and time!

“I don’t want to force people to come.”

No one should ever feel like they are being forced or pressured to come. It is your responsibility as a Designer to make everyone feel like it is truly a party! If they can’t make it that is totally a bummer! I usually send a little message that says “Hey _____! So sorry that you will not be able to make it. But the good news is that you can still check out the products online at (insert your website here)” or I would be happy to send you a Take-out Menu if you could send me your mailing address. Leave it at that.

“I don’t need anything.”

Do a Jewelry Bar® for a good cause. Donate everything the hostess gets for free to a friend in need, a random person, a fundraising event or even a women’s shelter. Although it is AWESOME to earn product for free, I think it’s even better learning other people’s stories, sharing the beautiful products and just having a good time with your friends. 

“Who would I invite?”

Often potential hostesses may not want to have a Jewelry Bar® because all their friends are currently at the event or already have been to one. However I am sure that your hostess’ friends are still eye-balling something from the TOM that they did not already purchase. You can always ask, “Who would come to _________’s Jewelry Bar®?” or “Did everyone REALLLLYYY get EVERYTHING they wanted or are you looking forward to purchasing something else at _________’s Jewelry Bar®?”

“I am too busy!”

Being busy is totally understandable because let’s face it- everyone is! We are being pulled this way and pushed that way. Need to be here in 5 minutes and there in 10. We are all SO busy! 

But how easy would it be to for a potential hostess to do a lunch time Jewelry Bar®? As the Designer you could go to their work room at their lunch break for a little show. Do something easy and simple such as “These five looks are my favorite because of XYZ” or “These items displayed are my best sellers!” Having a lunch time event is great because men will shop also for wives, girlfriends, sisters, moms, etc. 

If a lunch time event is not an option, let your potential hostess understand that you know she is busy. Ask if you could follow up with her in X amount of time and set a date. She will be expecting to hear from you and does not need to worry about scheduling that into her calendar because you are going to follow up WITH HER. 

“Uhhh not right now but maybe later?”

No problem! Set a date to follow up with your potential hostess and make sure you call her on that date!

More importantly, be patient. Good things come to those who wait right? Understand that some people just may stick to “no” and that is okay! Some people may not want to host an in home party and may feel more comfortable with a catalog or Facebook party. Always offer that up as an option!

Jewelry Bar® Inspiration

My Jewelry Bar® Table

There are so many great places to find some inspiration on how to decorate your Origami Owl Jewelry Bar® table! This is such a fun thing to do whether you are an Independent Designer or a Designer in Waiting. 

Here is a picture below of my personal Jewelry Bar® table. It doesn’t always look 100% exact to this but it is pretty close. I usually use a turquoise table cloth with a burlap runner but this table and table cloth was a provided by the hostess because she rocks and was super helpful!

I use a digital photo frame of LOCKET pictures to inspire the guests. Sometimes they have difficulty visualizing a certain look. This helps them to brainstorm! 
How awesome is this charm holder? It was a gift! I know you can find similar ones here. My dad helped me build my display for my LOCKETS. I love that my customers can pick up the lockets, look at them, put it up to their neck, etc. 

Love to display my DANGLES like this! This CHAIN is great to do that with! I also have “drawing cards”. Basically just a little card to grab some customers’ information and put them in a drawing to win something each month or so!

If you have any questions where you can find any of these products please don’t hesitate to email me by clicking my name below! 

Origami Owl® and Wedding Season

Say I do to O2

Summer is almost here and that means wedding season is too! If you are looking for something new, wedding decorations, bridal shower gifts or another way to remember your special day, Origami Owl® is a great keepsake!

Origami Owl Living LOCKETS® are the perfect gift for your bridal party. Large LOCKETS are perfect for your maid of honor and mini LOCKETS would be great for your flower girls as well! Fill them completely or with just a few CHARMS so your friends can look forward to adding to them. This is a great gift that your bridal party will hold onto forever and continue to use!

You can also use an Origami Owl Living Locket® for your bouquet. You can showcase your special date or in memory of someone you wish was there to celebrate alongside you!

The TAGGED line is a fun and simple way to decorate your center pieces on the head table! Pair your initials or use your new last name for a great look! 

And lastly, remember your first kiss as a couple by putting a photo in your locket. (This is simple to do with an inch hole punch!)

Wear It Wednesday!

Living LOCKET® and TAGGED!

The look below is one of my most favorite looks from Origami Owl®. It is such a great representation of the beautiful products that are offered. I use this picture on my Facebook page as well as my online Facebook parties!

Get the TAGGED look (top necklace) for: $36 (plus tax and shipping)
Get the Living LOCKET® for: $101 (plus tax and shipping)